Lasernet Management
Document Handling Solution
Laser Input Management
Lasernet Input Management is a document handling solution that enables you to receive business documents from external processes in various formats such as paper, faxes and electronic formats, OCR them and automate the conversion of all your business documents into action-enabled and process-ready information, importing it into your ERP system, document archives and workflows.
Lasernet Management
Lasernet Output Management offers the ability to easily meet the varying customer demands regarding business documents. Create, distribute and archive business documents in any format (e-mail, fax, PDF, PDF/A, EDI, XML) and desired layout, as required by each individual customer, in an intelligent and structured manner.
Lasernet supports EuroSox, Sarbanes Oxley, Basel ΙΙ accounting rules, along with many local integrations into systems such as eBoks, ZUGFeRD and many more.
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