IBM ECM , Sharepoint, Fintech GRC & Cloud Specialist

Case Manager

IBM™ Case Manager helps your organization optimize case outcomes by empowering the people who work with content—the knowledge workers, taskers or case workers. Case Manager enables these people to make complex, real-time decisions based on constantly changing information. Advanced document search capabilities help them find content rapidly, analytics capabilities let them track trends and fact-based reporting facilitates decision making. Knowledge workers can determine the next best steps based on insights gained from contextualized content.

Case Manager Provides:

  • Provides near-real-time access to content and facilitates decision making in complex, dynamic customer service, incident management and investigation processes
  • Gives information workers the control and insight to resolve cases effectively
  • Offers a consistent user experience across platforms with IBM Content Navigator while enabling customization for specific roles and business groups

Empower knowledge workers with IBM™ Case Manager

IBM™ Case Manager helps your organization optimize case outcomes by empowering the people who work with content— the knowledge workers, taskers or case workers. Case Manager enables these people to make complex, real-time decisions based on constantly changing information. Advanced document search capabilities help them find content rapidly, analytics capabilities let them track trends and fact-based reporting facilitates decision making. Knowledge workers can determine the next best steps based on insights gained from contextualized content.

Accelerate time to value with a flexible framework and templates

Case Manager provides an extensible infrastructure that enables organizations to address a variety of particular requirements. Users can capture best practices in reusable templates composed of case management elements—such as data models, automated tasks, user-interface components, rule sets and other preset configurations—that help accelerate deployment and shorten time to value.

Generate new insights using content analytics

Case Manager gives organizations the option to capitalize on the power of IBM™ Watson™ Content Analytics to uncover new insights in tremendous volumes of unstructured data. Using content analytics capabilities, knowledge workers can discover patterns and trends—and identify potential anomalies—across cases and related content. An intuitive visualization component provides a graphical history of case elements, including the current state, tasks being performed, people performing the tasks, case events and actions taken. With this information, managers can take proactive measures to improve performance, such as reallocating work or adding more supporting case information.

Offer a consistent, seamless user experience

Case Manager leverages solutions from the IBM™ ECM portfolio for content integration and federation. By adopting the IBM™ Content Navigator framework for Case Manager, organizations can give users a single, consistent and easy-touse interface across a wide range of devices. The Content Navigator framework also helps simplify integration of multiple IBM™ ECM solutions. Users can search for and add documents from many repositories, including IBM® FileNet®, IBM™ Content Manager 8, IBM™ Content Manager OnDemand and any other repository that supports the Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) standard.

FileNet Content Manager

IBM FileNet® Content Manager software conquers these challenges by combining the power of content and process to substantially improve the availability and agility of content in your business functions.

FileNet Content Manager combines comprehensive content management functions with specialized document management capabilities to gain active control over your unstructured corporate assets.

Content Anywhere

The Content Federation Services feature bundled in IBM FileNet Content Manager enables federation of content from multiple IBM and 3rd party repositories, providing centralized access to federated content. Content AnyWhere means that customers can choose to manage content in-place, postpone or avoid costly content migrations, yet still standardize on P8.

Active Content

IBM FileNet Content Manager provides sophisticated event and subscription capabilities so that a variety of actions associated with content can trigger pre-defined actions, transforming content into active content, enabling automation to drive down costs throughout the organization. Your business can respond immediately to the business and transaction events that set critical processes in motion and drive them quickly to completion, increasing the overall responsiveness and agility of your business.

Enterprise Compliance

Provided by ECM risk and compliance solutions, leverages the core capabilities of IBM™ FileNet Content Manager, such as document versioning and lifecycle management.

Universal content types

Stores virtually any kind of digitized information, including Microsoft® Office documents, XML documents, Web pages, photos, images, sound, process definitions and templates, content components and associated metadata descriptors. Manages the content and the associated metadata not simply as static items, but as individual business objects.

Datacap Taskmaster Capture

Datacap Taskmaster® Capture’s rules engine, known as Rulerunner Service, drives virtually all document capture processing functions, including scanning, document ID, image enhancement, recognition and export formatting. Competitive capture systems may use the term “rules,” but they usually refer to only enforcing business rules. Datacap Taskmaster Capture rules are discrete executable functions, built from code snippets, known as actions. There are hundreds of pre-built actions in the actions library, which can be easily assembled by non-programmers in Datacap Studio, a point-and-click interface for configuring and testing rules. Since Datacap rules take advantage of industry standards, such as VBScript and .NET, they are reusable and modifiable and deliver a high degree of flexibility when configuring a capture application

It is built on the ubiquitous Microsoft SharePoint platform and provides a comprehensive suite of capabilities in areas such as Enterprise Performance Management, Enterprise Risk Management, including Operational Risk Management, Conduct Risk Management, 3rd Part Risk Management and Regulatory Risk, Regulatory Change Management, Compliance Management and Risk-Based Internal Audit.

Increased Productivity

By significantly reducing manual data entry and paper-based storage and retrieval of documents, knowledge workers can more quickly process and access documents for customer service, case management, business transactions and compliance.

Streamlined Process

Datacap Taskmaster Capture can help eliminate a cumbersome paper process by enabling clients to automate previously labor-intensive aspects.

Reduced Cost

Datacap Taskmaster Capture is designed to reduce the required data entry personnel by 50 percent and sometimes more. Distributed scanning and verification enables clients to reduce or eliminate document shipping costs and distribute labor to areas with more affordable labor rates.

Increased Accuracy

By eliminating the errors that tired or distracted human data entry operators historically make, Datacap Taskmaster Capture can save time tracking down and fixing faulty data or misplaced document images.

Datacap Taskmaster Accounts Payable Capture

Datacap Taskmaster Accounts Payable® Capture is designed to integrate with practically any document scanner to capture all the important information from an invoice and deliver it to your enterprise resource planning (ERP) system with no manual data entry. Datacap Taskmaster Capture uses advanced optical character recognition (OCR) to accurately capture all critical invoice data: Vendor ID, date, line item and total amounts.

Datacap Taskmaster Accounts Payable Capture provides clients with innova-tive capabilities to help eliminate costly template creation at setup. Designed to set up new invoice layouts in seconds without expensive programming, Taskmaster Accounts Payable Capture stores each vendor’s invoice design and field data locations automatically.

  • Each scanned invoice is matched against a library of invoice layouts, known as “fingerprints”
  • Zones and location rules help ensure key fields are captured
  • Verify operators have easy-to-use features to correct recognition errors and easily locate data on an invoice
  • When it encounters a new invoice layout, Taskmaster automatically updates the fingerprint library after verification is complete

Invoice identification

  • Assigns unique fingerprint automatically to each new invoice format
  • Matches to master table with phone number, address and payment details
  • References fingerprint library with thousands of known invoice formats
  • Automatically handles new invoice formats and creates new fingerprints on the fly

Fast Verification

  • Highlights low confidence recognition results
  • Enforces field validation rules
  • Displays full image for key-from-image
  • Reduces eye movement with field snippets
  • Shows context image snippets with optional magnificatio

Data delivery

  • Outputs images with indexes to IBM Content Manager, IBM FileNet Content Manager, IBM FileNet Image Services and many third party content repositories
  • Easily select output format using Rulerunner Service
  • Reports on system productivity and aging
  • Integrates with most major ERP and accounting systems
  • Deletes batches automatically after target system acknowledgement
  • Compatible with IBM Production Imaging Edition

System Administration

  • Restricts access with robust security model
  • Publishes detailed productivity reports
  • Displays real-time view of system activity
  • Works in network or in a browser

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